The Extraordinary Business Book Club Reading List #1

Practical Inspiration Publishing
3 min readMar 25, 2020


We may be short of loo roll and plain flour, but one thing we HAVE got here in the Extraordinary Business Book Club is a stockpile of brilliant business book recommendations. And stockpiling is selfish, as everyone knows, so we’ve decided to share them around.

Every week I’ll share three recommendations for extraordinary business books tailored to the extraordinary times we find ourselves in. This week in the Extraordinary Business Book Cub podcast the theme of the Best Bits episode was resilience, so that’s where we’re starting. What is it, how does it change things day to day, and how do we develop it in ourselves and others?

Pick one or read all three (and ideally buy them from your local independent bookshop, if they’re taking online orders). You’re welcome.

The Resilience Club: Daily success habits of long-term high performers by Angela Armstrong (Rethink Press 2019, £14.99)

Angela Armstrong has identified the success habits of the most resilient, high-performing leaders from extensive research and her years of work with organizations of all sizes. Her FREEDOM model includes many effective tips that are fast, free and easy to do as well as more ‘advanced’ practices, and is particularly strong on managing emotions (a core challenge right now).

Rising Strong by Brené Brown (Vermillion 2015, £12.99)

The classic work that brought vulnerability, courage and compassion into the vocabulary of business leaders — if you haven’t already read it, now would be a really good time. We are ALL in the arena at the moment, and this is a manifesto for hope.

The Resilience Dynamic: The simple, proven approach to high performance and wellbeing by Jenny Campbell (Practical Inspiration 2019, £15.99)

Many people think of resilience as a character trait — you’re either resilient or you’re not. In reality it’s much more dynamic; Jenny Campbell’s powerful model is based on years of research by The Resilience Engine that reveals the different stages and suggests effective strategies for each. The neurophysiological dimension is particularly helpful.

Got a favourite book on resilience? Share it below!

Alison Jones (@bookstothesky) is founder of Practical Inspiration Publishing, a pioneering publishing partner for businesses, and host of The Extraordinary Business Book Club, a podcast and community for writers and readers of extraordinary business books. A veteran of the publishing industry, she regularly speaks and writes on the business of books. She sits on the board of the Independent Publishers Guild and is Head Judge of the Business Book Awards. Her latest book is This Book Means Business (2018).

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Practical Inspiration Publishing
Practical Inspiration Publishing

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